08 December 2010

Thoughts For The Season

"And there were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night" Luke 2:8

As we listen to the angels announce creations greatest event, don't miss the small details that God included in the text. In your quiet time stop and ponder each word in Luke 2. Ask God to show you new things in that old, old story. Underline words that spark thoughts. Read words like "angels". Ask, "why did God use angels?" or "what is the glory of the Lord?" Maybe we could ask "why great joy?" Why is this good news to "all people?". The possibilities seem endless. For now lets ask "why shepherds?". The job of the shepherd was not the dream job of that day. These men were ordinary men doing ordinary things. God did not send this message first to the palace, He sent it to the fields. God loves to use the common and ordinary to confound the self reliant exalted elite. God uses a mom at home with her child. God uses a man barely scratching out a living for his family. God comes to us all, from the least to the greatest, to announce that because of Jesus we can become a child of the King. And no matter what our title on earth may be there is no greater job than to be a servant of the living God. May the glory of the Lord shine about you as you abide in the field keeping watch over your flock. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!