12 January 2010

Jerry the GS

This is my first ever blog.....this is only a test. May God richly bless all who read this!


  1. Hey Jerry,

    You aren't alone in that. There are a lot of people who have never blogged. I've never blogged! So definately no worries.

  2. Hey Jerry & Tori:

    And this is my first time. It's wonderful to first blog on Bethel Blog. Would not have done it for any other blog reason. Took me forever to get here to actually post this. LOL!!!!

  3. I do pray that both Tori and Ella will be blessed with God's will. What God has blessed us with in the Bethel Methodist Church is wonderful beyond words! Pray for the new Fredericksburg church and pastor Nate as they begin in earnest this Sunday!

  4. OK. Can we allsay Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. We can say Hallelujah even if we wonder who TheMoneyMan is!

  6. Just a few crossed wires to get straight before this blogging is full circuit. The MoneyMan was commenting on this blog while I was on the youth retreat comments....

    Just a little clue, the MoneyMan's alias rhymes with Cooper and he is a Sooper guy!

    Have a good wekend!

  7. Praise God that we have things to rejoice in far greater than any football game! On the day the Cowboys lost the Lord won with the launch of the Bethel Methodist Church of Fredericksburg. 44 people were in attendance and It was a wonderful service!

  8. Pray for the pastors as they prepare God's message. Pray for God's people as they get through another week with faith active. Pray for a great gathering of God's people on Sunday and for the lost world. Pray for the great needs in this fallen world.
