05 February 2010

Bethel Blast 2-5-10

The Winter Retreat at Bellville was well-attended and very successful.
Tom Hogan offers a brief report:

"39 youth and adults attended the winter youth retreat in Bellville, Near Houston. It was our first event at Camp Woodmen, and we enjoyed the lake and spacious kitchen facilities. Reverend Jerry Freedman preached on Elijah, and standing with God even when it means standing alone. The Hill Country church provided food, including delicious homemade enchiladas and salsa. If this is any indication, we are all in for a treat at General Conference."

Rev. Tim Hicke and Rev. Curtis Morton will be officiating at the funeral for Kevin Berry, son of Tommy and Beautonne Berry from the Irving church. Kevin lost a long and difficult battle on Sunday. Also, Beautonne's brother out of state died on the same day, and Beautonne has been ill much of this difficult week. Please be in prayer for God's help in the services in Dallas at 2 P.M. today (Friday). And please remember the Berry family during this time of multiple loss.

Sara Shinn says a new feature has been added to the Bethel Blog. If you subscribe (no charge) and become a "follower" of the blog, you'll be notified every time a new message is posted, including the Bethel Blast. Please don't forget to visit your local church website and the denominational website to keep the search-engines busy. It takes only a minute, but if we all do our part, it will make our message easier for visitors to find on the internet.

Local church news: The Southlake church received city approval to keep its portable building on its rental property for another year although one neighbor objected. Meanwhile, Southlake is still waiting for TxDot to rule on a request for a driveway on 1709.
Interchurch Council meeting is scheduled Saturday, February 20 at the Brazos Center in Bryan.
General Conference will be April 22-24 in the Hill Country. Expect more information on accomodations soon.
Please do all you can to support the services and activities of your local church and denomination. We all need each other.


  1. Did I hear a rumor that a certain Shinn hit a certain chin at the retreat?

  2. That hit by Shinn on that certain chin caused a split that needed 1 stitch + 9 to knit! And all because of a too-small ball....(Very Seussian, don't ya know?)
