"And there were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night" Luke 2:8
As we listen to the angels announce creations greatest event, don't miss the small details that God included in the text. In your quiet time stop and ponder each word in Luke 2. Ask God to show you new things in that old, old story. Underline words that spark thoughts. Read words like "angels". Ask, "why did God use angels?" or "what is the glory of the Lord?" Maybe we could ask "why great joy?" Why is this good news to "all people?". The possibilities seem endless. For now lets ask "why shepherds?". The job of the shepherd was not the dream job of that day. These men were ordinary men doing ordinary things. God did not send this message first to the palace, He sent it to the fields. God loves to use the common and ordinary to confound the self reliant exalted elite. God uses a mom at home with her child. God uses a man barely scratching out a living for his family. God comes to us all, from the least to the greatest, to announce that because of Jesus we can become a child of the King. And no matter what our title on earth may be there is no greater job than to be a servant of the living God. May the glory of the Lord shine about you as you abide in the field keeping watch over your flock. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
08 December 2010
28 October 2010
Thanking God for You
"We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth; So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure" II Thessalonians 1:3&4
May we use these inspired words to remind us of what is really important. We thank God that your faith is growing and that your love for each other grows with it. Faith cometh by hearing the Word of God! If we have God's Word being preached and we have ears to hear, we are growing in faith and in love! For a home and a church home where faith is fed and love grows, I am thankful!
14 September 2010
Serpent Attempts to Spoil Retreat
One of our campers at the Back In School Retreat was bitten by a copperhead. He is doing well thanks to cool heads and fast action on the part of camp leaders. Please pray for a full recovery as this young man continues to deal with swelling and ongoing blood tests. All indications point to no lasting effects. We praise God that this physical serpent was not allowed to ruin an otherwise great retreat. We also rejoice that that old serpent, the devil, was defeated. Just as that physical copperhead's head was crushed, our Lord and Saviour has prevailed over satan and has provided the grace that defeats and shall ultimately destroy him from God's creation. God's grace in Christ Jesus shall make you free through your faith! Is satan being defeated in your life? Will you spend eternity with God forever after God has been revealed and sin fully exposed? You shall if you are abiding in Christ by faith in His Word!
31 August 2010
Youth Retreat
I am looking forward to sharing God's Word at the Back In School Retreat! Pray for me. Everyone who is going..........see you there!
01 August 2010
Answered Prayer
Wow! Thank you all for being faithful in prayer. Camp 2010 may have been the best camp yet! Camp kept giving as one of the Hill Country's youth came to the altar Sunday and surrendered his life to the Lord! Do not stop the prayers for these campers. They need your prayers more now than ever. Thanks again for all you faithful prayer warriors.
02 July 2010
Pray For Camp
It is time to reread the plea I made just before conference! Read "The Essential Ingredient of Prayer" and apply it to Camp! I know Allen, Pastor Tim, Pastor Freedman and a host of others would say a loud "amen". We need to ask God to keep satan from interfering with preparations and with the week of camp. May God's Holy Spirit be with us in a mighty way for His cause!
25 May 2010
The Love of Many Shall Wax Cold
Matthew twenty-four is the great New Testament prophecy chapter. Verse twelve tells us that in the last days "the love of many shall wax cold". The greek word translated "love" is agape. Most of you know that agape is the love of commitment, not the love of emotion or of false enthusiasm. That tells us that many of those once committed to God by faith in Jesus Christ shall fall away. Why did Jesus say that? Why would He tell us such devastating news? He wanted to help protect those that would abide faithful in Him. He wanted us to be aware of the environment of the last days so that we would not be caught off guard or devastated by it. He also wanted us to understand the power of the environment. That same verse(Matthew 24:12) begins..."because iniquity shall abound". God wanted us to know how powerful the majority can be in human society. We tend to question ourselves when we perceive that we are a tiny minority. "How can I be right and everyone else wrong?" seems to be the natural question. The only way we can stand in the face of such odds is with "Great Faith". The power of God's Word to show us the conditions of the last days and, more importantly, the beauty and wonder of the nature, character, purpose and plan of God makes it very difficult for satan and his world to deceive us! Hang in there by constantly hearing His Word and by never forsaking the assembling of yourselves together! And when others fall, pray! Pray that they shall return to their loving, merciful God. And pray that you shall abide in Him always!
04 May 2010
Prayer Works
As our GS Rev. Jerry Slye wrote, the essential ingredient for a great conference is prayer and that principle was demonstrated in the Hill Country General Conference just last month. I'm convicted that prayer may still be a "missing" ingredient in our churches and I'm trying to become part of the solution instead of the problem. Instead of praying, "God bless our church," I'm praying that our church will "bless God" simply by doing His will whatever it is and wherever it takes us. "Accomplish your purpose and reveal yourself through us," whether in a blog, a kind word or gesture, an email, a card, a book, a poem, a song, an image, a personal witness or a new place of worship. The Christian lives of decency and grace we lead today may lead others to want what we have and find the source of it when they need it most. The life of purpose and peace we live every day is what so many in the world are still desperately seeking. May we never take it for granted.
Rev. Curtis Morton preached a great sermon last Sunday, May 2 on Faith, Purpose and Gratitude. Listen to it when you get a chance. You may want to share it with some of your friends and family.
Rev. Curtis Morton preached a great sermon last Sunday, May 2 on Faith, Purpose and Gratitude. Listen to it when you get a chance. You may want to share it with some of your friends and family.
25 April 2010
Bethel Blast 4-25-10 Conference Afterglow
Just a note to officially say thanks to the Hill Country church for a great conference experience.
From the first glimpse of the steeple on the hill to the last hug in the parking lot, we all enjoyed a wonderful time of warm Christian fellowship, fantastic food and feasting on the word of God in message and song. A special thanks to Rev. Jerry Slye, Chris, Andrew and Joanne for their leadership roles in hosting the conference.
I'm already looking forward to Conference in Port Neches.
Up next, Youth Camp!
08 April 2010
The Essential Ingredient of Prayer
Everything is falling into place for an outstanding General Conference. However, we must not forget the need for God's grace to carry us through. As General Superintendent I am keenly aware of the need for the working presence of Almighty God. We desperately need everyone to be fervent in prayer. As II Thessalonians 3:1 says, "pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified...". I ask you all to do as Hebrews 4:16 says, "come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain...help in (this) time of need". Thank you in advance for you faithful prayers! See you in the Hill Country!
28 March 2010
General Conference Update
Greetings from the Hill Country! As we approach General Conference (how exciting), we would like to send you an update with some helpful information.
Denominational Reports:
If at all possible, we would like to have any Denominational reports that you would like to have included in the conference booklet emailed by Friday, April 2, 2010.
Google Map
By clicking on the link above (or pasting it in your address bar), you will be able to load a Google map for General Conference. Included in this map are the local accommodations, directions, and other items that may be helpful during your stay in the Hill Country. You may also, for example, click on the church icon, and from there you can search for places of interest nearby, as well as get directions from/to a hotel that is not listed on this map.
Hotel Discount Rates
We would like to remind you that the discounted rates for the La Quinta Inn and Microtel are only available if you book before April 5. This deadline was given to us by the hotel properties in order to set aside a block of rooms for possible Bethel Methodist visitors.
Abbreviated Agenda
Listed below are the highlights of the General Conference Agenda. A more detailed agenda will be included in the conference booklets available upon registration.
Evening worship service: 7:30 p.m.
- Conference business: 9:00 a.m.
- Denominational Choir practice: 5:45 p.m.
- Evening Worship Service: 7:00 p.m.
Conference business: 9:00 a.m.
16 March 2010
Why Am I Sad?
I could ask, "why am I down?" or "why am I depressed?". I personally choose not to use the word "depressed" because of its clinical meaning of "feelings of hopelessness". The individual who is abiding in Jesus Christ by faith is never without hope! Yes, many, if not all, have various psychological needs and suppressed hurts that God helps deal with as we grow and are ready to face those difficult realities. Even the christian with the deepest wounds is never without hope. Do we have times of real sadness? There is a universal "yes". Psalm 43 is a beautiful example of those feelings that come and the very real and effective answer to those dark days. "Judge me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation: O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man..." Here the Psalmist is pleading for help in an unjust and even deceitful world. The first step is to express to God what is going on and how you feel. Psalm 43 goes on..."For thou art the God of my strength: why dost thou cast me off? Why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?" Here is an honest question about these feelings. Why do I feel "down"? Why am I not feeling anything from God at this moment? Why do I let these things get me? The Psalmist gives these feelings and what a blessing the answer is as the Psalm continues! "O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me...". Let your truth, your light be what leads me, not my feelings! "...let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles. Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto God my exceeding joy: yea, upon the harp will I praise thee, O God my God. Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God". I love the honesty of this Psalm and the real answer that works for me every time! I hope this Psalm will help when you are feeling low! God bless you all for abiding in Christ and being lovers of truth when so many love only themselves!
13 March 2010
Please Pray...
for Sandra Kirchner. She will be having knee replacement surgery on Wednesday, March 17th.
A brief devotional...I recall a local pastor's report of a few years ago that stated, "God is Awesome." Is He? I know you would all agree with me that He is and forever shall be! Consider that statement and let the Holy Spirt speak to your heart. It is amazing to me that something so seemingly simple can be so wonderfully powerful...God bless you all!
A brief devotional...I recall a local pastor's report of a few years ago that stated, "God is Awesome." Is He? I know you would all agree with me that He is and forever shall be! Consider that statement and let the Holy Spirt speak to your heart. It is amazing to me that something so seemingly simple can be so wonderfully powerful...God bless you all!
12 March 2010
Ken's sign suggestion
Following the last Inter Church Council meeting, Ken Tindell approached me with an interesting idea. Ken commented to me that many people in our communities would never pull into the parking lot of our church, but may be able to access our message another way. Here's Ken's idea:
Greetings to my Bethel family
I’m convinced that the Bethel Methodist message is the best presentation of the Gospel available today. Unfortunately, a God centered message is not very popular in a world that has been immersed in man centered theology for two or three generations. We have a passion to get our message to a world that desperately needs it. That passion has born lots of conversation about changing our name. I have prayerfully considered alternatives to no avail. Our roots are entwined in the teachings of Arminius, the Wesleys and Adam Clark. The Bethel churches are each uniquely different in personality and urban setting, which is why we all do business differently. I propose that instead of changing our name, each church should have the option of removing the denomination name, replacing it with their web address. People who would never be motivated to enter our churches may very well take the time to browse our websites. Our message has the power to move hungry hearts. Please consider this idea and may God enlighten and empower us to do His will.
Ken Tindell
Bethel Methodist church of Robinson
Greetings to my Bethel family
I’m convinced that the Bethel Methodist message is the best presentation of the Gospel available today. Unfortunately, a God centered message is not very popular in a world that has been immersed in man centered theology for two or three generations. We have a passion to get our message to a world that desperately needs it. That passion has born lots of conversation about changing our name. I have prayerfully considered alternatives to no avail. Our roots are entwined in the teachings of Arminius, the Wesleys and Adam Clark. The Bethel churches are each uniquely different in personality and urban setting, which is why we all do business differently. I propose that instead of changing our name, each church should have the option of removing the denomination name, replacing it with their web address. People who would never be motivated to enter our churches may very well take the time to browse our websites. Our message has the power to move hungry hearts. Please consider this idea and may God enlighten and empower us to do His will.
Ken Tindell
Bethel Methodist church of Robinson
05 March 2010
Thanking God
I have finished my tour of churches for the annual conferences, it was good seeing you all. I am very confident and excited by your qualification and availability for our Lord. It was a blessing seeing what God has done in each church. I have now listened to every sermon that was preached in the Hill Country in my absence. I can say without reservation or hesitation that the people in my local church were well cared for. In fact, I'm feeling the pressure now as I get back home. You guys may have done too well! Pray for me.
24 February 2010
Thank you Bethel Bloggers!
Thanks to all who have joined us on the Bethel Blog! As we grow we will always remember Mike, Jennifer, Ella, Pamela, Whitley and Tori !
17 February 2010
Preaching and Singing
"I will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee" Hebrews 2:12
I am in the midst of my annual visits to our local churches. I have been blessed to declare the name of our Lord unto my brethren. It has been a blessing and a priviledge to join you in singing praise unto Him! I once expressed a desire for "General Conference" type services in every church every Sunday. The last two Sundays have given evidence that my hope might become reality. Thank you for making each Sunday Service all it should be for Him. I cannot wait until we fill the house with preaching and singing in the Hill Country April 22-24!
I am in the midst of my annual visits to our local churches. I have been blessed to declare the name of our Lord unto my brethren. It has been a blessing and a priviledge to join you in singing praise unto Him! I once expressed a desire for "General Conference" type services in every church every Sunday. The last two Sundays have given evidence that my hope might become reality. Thank you for making each Sunday Service all it should be for Him. I cannot wait until we fill the house with preaching and singing in the Hill Country April 22-24!
10 February 2010
General Conference Information
Bethel Methodist General Conference 2010
Accommodations Suggestions
Greetings, and we pray this email finds you all well as we count down the days to General Conference in April. We wanted to remind you of the dates of General Conference (April 22-24) and provide you with some accommodation suggestions as you begin your planning. We look forward to great food, fellowship, and most importantly, for the Lord to meet with us as we worship and conduct the business of Bethel.
Listed below are some suggestions with negotiated rates and easy access/close proximity to the church. Maps from these locations to the church will soon follow. If you are interested in other hotel chains, bed and breakfasts, RV sites, etc., please do not hesitate to email Andrew Sedlacek.
Microtel Inn & Suites, New Braunfels, TX:
- Rate: $65.00 per night
- For reservations: Contact the local hotel at 830-557-4409 and mention
“Bethel Methodist Conference” rate.
- Deadline: Reserve by March 22, 2010 to guarantee rate.
New hotel as of August 2009. Complimentary deluxe continental breakfast, Coffee available 24 hrs. a day, Outdoor pool, Within one block of local restaurants and Walgreens, Located on Hwy 46 (30 minutes from church) one block away from I-35. If desired, be sure to request a room with fridge and microwave.
LaQuinta Inns & Suites, New Braunfels, TX:
- Rate: $85.00 per night
- For reservations: Contact the local hotel at 830-627-3333 and mention “Bethel Methodist Conference rate.
- Deadline: Reserve by April 5, 2010 to guarantee rate.
Remodeled December 2009. Complimentary deluxe continental breakfast, coffee available 24 hrs. a day, outdoor pool, within one block of local restaurants, Located on I-35 and Hwy 46 (30-35 minutes from church). All rooms have fridge and microwave.
Creek Hollow RV Park (near the Hill Country Church):
- RV sites and cabins available
- Rates: vary depending on site and cabin choice (RV: $25+, Cabins: $60-165)
Less than 5 minutes from the church (just north of church on FM 3159)
We also have 2 hookups on the church property and room for more campers/trailers. These will be a first email/first serve basis.
Something for Nothing
A few months ago (ok, last summer) I read a news article that told the story of children who had received e-mails after playing on a popular online game site. The e-mail told the children that if they were to click on the attached link they would receive a free upgrade to the game they had just played. But when that link was clicked a virus was downloaded which allowed the hacker full access to all of the information on the family computer. Not only was the child disappointed, the parents were shocked at the theft of their identity!
Oh, the promise of something for nothing! This attitude of taking a shortcut to a desired outcome is running rampant in our world, and in the Church. We want eternity with God but are not willing to count the true cost of walking daily with Him. What did Jesus say? "Come, take up your cross and follow Me." Yes, salvation full and free, based on grace and not our merits or works, for all who are believing. There's the cost, the committment, that is required: "Follow Me." The daily choice to follow and believe, to receive God's grace by faith and be shaped into His moral image is a price that is worth it all!
Oh, the promise of something for nothing! This attitude of taking a shortcut to a desired outcome is running rampant in our world, and in the Church. We want eternity with God but are not willing to count the true cost of walking daily with Him. What did Jesus say? "Come, take up your cross and follow Me." Yes, salvation full and free, based on grace and not our merits or works, for all who are believing. There's the cost, the committment, that is required: "Follow Me." The daily choice to follow and believe, to receive God's grace by faith and be shaped into His moral image is a price that is worth it all!
05 February 2010
Days like this....
A few weeks ago I was driving to Temple to visit my dad in the VA hospital. My step-mom had already signed the papers to admit him into the hospice program. As I was driving and praying, I was reminded that God's faithfulness far exceeds anything that this world can offer. I've been praying for my dad for years, that he would fully commit to Christ. Now the time seemed even more desperate.
Funny thing: Dad didn't qualify for hospice! It wasn't a money issue, but a health issue. He wasn't sick enough! So they moved him to the Waco VA's long-term care facility.
Another funny (!) thing: I found out today that he is MUCH sicker than originally supposed. His doctor talked about making him comfortable in his last days. I've known this time was coming, and yet it still kinda caught me by surprise.
Let me go back to that previous statement: "God's faithfulness far exceeds anything this world has to offer." I know that God can work in my dad's spirit, and I know that God can provide a level of spiritual healing that no doctor can ever bring to Dad's body. That's what I'm praying for. And I want to ask each of you to pray also. If you want to pray for his healing, or relief from his constant pain, that's great. I'm asking that you join me in praying for my dad's eternal salvation. God is faithful, and I am trusting Him.
Funny thing: Dad didn't qualify for hospice! It wasn't a money issue, but a health issue. He wasn't sick enough! So they moved him to the Waco VA's long-term care facility.
Another funny (!) thing: I found out today that he is MUCH sicker than originally supposed. His doctor talked about making him comfortable in his last days. I've known this time was coming, and yet it still kinda caught me by surprise.
Let me go back to that previous statement: "God's faithfulness far exceeds anything this world has to offer." I know that God can work in my dad's spirit, and I know that God can provide a level of spiritual healing that no doctor can ever bring to Dad's body. That's what I'm praying for. And I want to ask each of you to pray also. If you want to pray for his healing, or relief from his constant pain, that's great. I'm asking that you join me in praying for my dad's eternal salvation. God is faithful, and I am trusting Him.
Bethel Blast 2-5-10
The Winter Retreat at Bellville was well-attended and very successful.
Tom Hogan offers a brief report:
"39 youth and adults attended the winter youth retreat in Bellville, Near Houston. It was our first event at Camp Woodmen, and we enjoyed the lake and spacious kitchen facilities. Reverend Jerry Freedman preached on Elijah, and standing with God even when it means standing alone. The Hill Country church provided food, including delicious homemade enchiladas and salsa. If this is any indication, we are all in for a treat at General Conference."
Rev. Tim Hicke and Rev. Curtis Morton will be officiating at the funeral for Kevin Berry, son of Tommy and Beautonne Berry from the Irving church. Kevin lost a long and difficult battle on Sunday. Also, Beautonne's brother out of state died on the same day, and Beautonne has been ill much of this difficult week. Please be in prayer for God's help in the services in Dallas at 2 P.M. today (Friday). And please remember the Berry family during this time of multiple loss.
Sara Shinn says a new feature has been added to the Bethel Blog. If you subscribe (no charge) and become a "follower" of the blog, you'll be notified every time a new message is posted, including the Bethel Blast. Please don't forget to visit your local church website and the denominational website to keep the search-engines busy. It takes only a minute, but if we all do our part, it will make our message easier for visitors to find on the internet.
Local church news: The Southlake church received city approval to keep its portable building on its rental property for another year although one neighbor objected. Meanwhile, Southlake is still waiting for TxDot to rule on a request for a driveway on 1709.
Interchurch Council meeting is scheduled Saturday, February 20 at the Brazos Center in Bryan.
General Conference will be April 22-24 in the Hill Country. Expect more information on accomodations soon.
Please do all you can to support the services and activities of your local church and denomination. We all need each other.
Tom Hogan offers a brief report:
"39 youth and adults attended the winter youth retreat in Bellville, Near Houston. It was our first event at Camp Woodmen, and we enjoyed the lake and spacious kitchen facilities. Reverend Jerry Freedman preached on Elijah, and standing with God even when it means standing alone. The Hill Country church provided food, including delicious homemade enchiladas and salsa. If this is any indication, we are all in for a treat at General Conference."
Rev. Tim Hicke and Rev. Curtis Morton will be officiating at the funeral for Kevin Berry, son of Tommy and Beautonne Berry from the Irving church. Kevin lost a long and difficult battle on Sunday. Also, Beautonne's brother out of state died on the same day, and Beautonne has been ill much of this difficult week. Please be in prayer for God's help in the services in Dallas at 2 P.M. today (Friday). And please remember the Berry family during this time of multiple loss.
Sara Shinn says a new feature has been added to the Bethel Blog. If you subscribe (no charge) and become a "follower" of the blog, you'll be notified every time a new message is posted, including the Bethel Blast. Please don't forget to visit your local church website and the denominational website to keep the search-engines busy. It takes only a minute, but if we all do our part, it will make our message easier for visitors to find on the internet.
Local church news: The Southlake church received city approval to keep its portable building on its rental property for another year although one neighbor objected. Meanwhile, Southlake is still waiting for TxDot to rule on a request for a driveway on 1709.
Interchurch Council meeting is scheduled Saturday, February 20 at the Brazos Center in Bryan.
General Conference will be April 22-24 in the Hill Country. Expect more information on accomodations soon.
Please do all you can to support the services and activities of your local church and denomination. We all need each other.
04 February 2010
Hill Country First
This Sunday will be the first local conference of the Bethel Methodist Church of the Hill Country since emerging from the "mission church" designation! For the first time ever the congregation will be voting on their pastor and at the General Conference (hosted by the Hill Country Church) they will seat delegates. As we come to this historical place we rejoice with our new mission church in Fredericksburg that has just begun that joyous journey. Keep praying, the gospel is spreading!
30 January 2010
Hello Bethel and All from Fredericksburg!
"Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." Psalm 27:14
This is my first blog ever, so bare with me... We are almost through one month of holding services in the Fredericksburg mission church. What a month it has been! With all of the joys, excitement and preparation we, here in FBG and throughout the denomination, are continually reminded of an important truth I want to share with all.
"Waiting on the Lord" can be challenging for many because we live in a world that craves instant gratification. But "be of good courage!" It is comforting to know that God is in control. All we must do is faithfully abide in Him and allow Him to do what He desires when He desires it.
As we begin this new work for the Lord, and whatever you may want to do for Him, remember to wait on Him. Our continual prayer here in Fredericksburg, is that God have His will in each of our lives first, and then in whatever else He calls us to do, with the church and who we reach in this community. We wait on Him, and move when He says move!
We are praying for the retreat going on right now and for Pastor Freedman, who will be bringing the message to the youth. We thank all of you for your love, support and prayers. We are remembering you also in ours!
God Bless,
Nate and FBG
29 January 2010
Winter Youth Retreat 2010
Our denominational youth will be heading to Bellville, TX, to stay at Camp Woodman, for their annual Winter Youth Retreat. If you have a moment this weekend say a prayer for all involved with this important activity. Pray for traveling mercies, pray that His message is shared, and pray that a wonderful weekend of fellowship is had by all.
"...The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." - James 5:6b
28 January 2010
Fighters Needed
"Now I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God..." Romans 15:30
Do we have any Bethel warriors out there praying for the sake of our Lord? I know we do, I just want to remind you how important prayer is! Thank you for striving with me in your prayers to God for the preaching of the Gospel. We cannot do this work without your "prayers, gifts and service"! I look forward to seeing you all at your local conference.
Jerry the GS
Do we have any Bethel warriors out there praying for the sake of our Lord? I know we do, I just want to remind you how important prayer is! Thank you for striving with me in your prayers to God for the preaching of the Gospel. We cannot do this work without your "prayers, gifts and service"! I look forward to seeing you all at your local conference.
Jerry the GS
21 January 2010
Bethel Blast 1-21-10 | Fredericksburg Mission Church
Here's the much-awaited report from the first public service of the Fredericksburg Mission Church.
Pastor Nate Aviles says an article in the local paper and numerous flyers posted around town have generated considerable interest and talk among the community.
The first public service on January 17 had an attendance of 44 people, including those representing Bethel Methodist Hill Country and Southlake, some visitors from the community, and God, whose spirit was evident in the service.
Angie Carleton and Charlie Manuel offered special music that was much-appreciated.
Founding General Superintendent, Rev. Arthur Slye spoke about making the message of the Church the priority over outward measures of success such as attendance and programs.
Nate's message was about understanding and knowing God.
Fredericksburg wants to express its sincere thanks for your prayers and support of all of the churches in the denomination. Please continue to pray for Nate and everyone in Fredericksburg as they seek God's daily direction and look forward to the opportunities to minister to the community.
Other notes:
The Port Neches Local Conference will be Sunday, February 28.
The Southlake church is optimistic about getting city approval to keep its portable building for another year, but the clock is ticking and soon, the church will have to make some important decisions among limited options. Again the church earnestly covets your prayers and God's clear direction.
Good news on Youth Camp: Despite the financial challenges of Sandy Creek Bible Camp, the cost again this year will be $285 which is a great value for lodging, food, study, services, activities and recreation. Please make sure you are setting aside funds now so that your church and youth leaders can be spared the anxiety of spreading not enough money among campers and counselors.
Don't forget Interchurch Council meeting Saturday, February 20th and General Conference is scheduled for April 22-24. See you there!
16 January 2010
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday
Let's all show our support for the Dallas Cowboys this Sunday by recording the game and going to church!
Sara, hope you had a good trip back.
Sara, hope you had a good trip back.
15 January 2010
Summer Youth Camp 2010 Info.
Good news - it has been confirmed that the cost for youth camp will remain at $285 for 2010!
Camp will be held July 25 -31... Mark your calendars for a wonderful week of fellowship, fun, and most importantly, learning about our Lord at Sandy Creek Bible Camp.
Camp will be held July 25 -31... Mark your calendars for a wonderful week of fellowship, fun, and most importantly, learning about our Lord at Sandy Creek Bible Camp.
12 January 2010
Jerry the GS
This is my first ever blog.....this is only a test. May God richly bless all who read this!
08 January 2010
Happy New Year!
Bethel Blast 1-07-10
Happy New Year, Everyone! I hope you're surviving the latest blast of global warming.
The new work being started in Fredericksburg will hold its first public service January 17 at the Golden Hub Senior Center. Several families from the Hill Country church plan to attend (thanks to Mary Lu Zellers). Please be in prayer for Nate and Jennifer Aviles and the Kirchner family as they continue taking steps toward organization of the Bethel Methodist Church of Fredericksburg.
Winter Youth Retreat is scheduled January 29-31. Please contact your pastor or youth sponsors for time, place and other particulars.
Local Conference Schedule:
Bethel Methodist Hill Country.....February 7.
Bethel Methodist Robinson..........February 14.
Bethel Methodist Southlake.........February 21 (tentative)
Bethel Methodist Port Neches.....March 7
Interchurch Council Meeting is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, February 20th at the Brazos Center in Bryan/College Station. This is an important pre-conference session to discuss issues including nominations, the budget and other matters of importance. Please plan to attend if possible.
2010 Youth Camp is scheduled for July 25-31 at Sandy Creek Bible Camp.
Remember, the cost of camp is going up this year. Individual campers and counselors should be saving money for camp now. Please support your church's camp fundraising efforts as God enables.
Happy New Year, Everyone! I hope you're surviving the latest blast of global warming.
The new work being started in Fredericksburg will hold its first public service January 17 at the Golden Hub Senior Center. Several families from the Hill Country church plan to attend (thanks to Mary Lu Zellers). Please be in prayer for Nate and Jennifer Aviles and the Kirchner family as they continue taking steps toward organization of the Bethel Methodist Church of Fredericksburg.
Winter Youth Retreat is scheduled January 29-31. Please contact your pastor or youth sponsors for time, place and other particulars.
Local Conference Schedule:
Bethel Methodist Hill Country.....February 7.
Bethel Methodist Robinson..........February 14.
Bethel Methodist Southlake.........February 21 (tentative)
Bethel Methodist Port Neches.....March 7
Interchurch Council Meeting is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, February 20th at the Brazos Center in Bryan/College Station. This is an important pre-conference session to discuss issues including nominations, the budget and other matters of importance. Please plan to attend if possible.
2010 Youth Camp is scheduled for July 25-31 at Sandy Creek Bible Camp.
Remember, the cost of camp is going up this year. Individual campers and counselors should be saving money for camp now. Please support your church's camp fundraising efforts as God enables.
Interchurch Council,
Local Conference,
New Year
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